A cash loan is a short-term solution to cash flow problems. You can have up to 12 months to repay the loan, exact details will be explained in the offer.
You will need to fulfill the following requirements:
A loan up to $2000 is available. The amount loaned depends on the information that you provide and loans are subject to a an assessment of affordability and suitability.
Receiving the money from your loan is easy - it is deposited right into your bank account.
Your credit history isn't always the deciding factor. If you meet our lenders requirements, then you can be approved despite credit problems, such as bankruptcy, judgments, and other financial issues
It usually takes less than five minutes to apply for a loan through iWantPayday's lenders. In most cases you will receive your loan money within 1 business days after approval (depending on your financial institution).
No Faxes aren't needed. The lender will contact you via the phone and documents can be sent via the internet.
With iwantpayday there are no hidden costs – iwantpayday lenders charge an establishment fee equal to 20% of the loan amount borrowed and a 4% monthly fee of the amount borrowed. Loans are designed to be repaid over a period of 12 months. iWantpayday's lenders do not charge an interest rate.
Yes, our lenders unique cost structures allow our customers to have more than one loan. iWantpayday's lenders practices responsible lending and will only lend what you can afford to repay.
Payments are withdrawn automatically from your bank account. If you foresee having any problems making a payment please contact your lender immediately.
Please speak with your lender before your payment is late, but be aware of your lender's late payment policy before signing loan agreements.
Yes, your personal information is safe. Our site is protected by industry-recognised security standards, and all information provided is encrypted during submission.
Please speak with your lender about any further borrowings.
This will depend on each case - it can be possible in certain circumstances. Speak to your lender.
If you are unable to make the agreed upon payments to your lender, you can expect them to use any legal means possible to collect the money that is due. Defaulting on your loan may also result in higher interest rates and additional fees.
iWantPayday.net owned and operated by Fish4Loans Pty Ltd | ABN 89 603 132 618 | Australian Credit Licence Number 474107